Where, oh where, did September go?! It's hard to believe fall is already here. Time for pumpkin carving, Halloween candy, fall colors, and colder weather (aka: snow for Rexburg).
Tayler and I started school about 3 weeks ago. For some reason the fall semester is always way more stressful than the others. We're already tuckered out from all the homework, projects, and assignments. Wow, talk about pathetic. :P
But aside from the stress and torture school brings us, we've still been incredibly blessed in numerous ways. After months of searching for a job in Rexburg, I was finally offered one! I now work at a brand new little ice cream parlor called Thor's Ice Cream (named "Thor's" because of our awesome school mascot--the Viking Thor). If any of you are familiar with Reed's Dairy, you'd agree that they make the BEST ice cream ever. Well, Thor's sells one scoop for $1! They've only been open for a month, so we're still trying to get the word out. But definitely come check it out if you're ever cruisin' through the good ol' Burg. Having never scooped ice cream like this before, my wrist has been killing me. But I absolutely love working there, plus, I'm getting super buff! (only on my right arm of course). ;)
Tayler and I had the wonderful opportunity to go see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir perform live at the BYU-I Center. It was such an amazing experience. It was Tayler's first time seeing them perform. I've seen them live a couple times, but several years ago. So it was a very fun date night:) And wow, what a show! It was more than worth it to go feel the spirit and hear their remarkable voices. We had a blast!
Since Tayler has gotten his new iPhone, I've been rather attached. I've been wanting to upgrade for some time now, and my phone has been biting the dust. Anyways, long story short, we worked it into our budget to afford one more. And let me tell ya, I LOVE it. I have been converted to smartphones and will never be able to go back. They are soooo awesome and totally worth every penny.
So you know that awkward moment when you and your husband get all dressed up in semi-formal clothes on a Saturday night, go to Olive Garden to celebrate your semi-anniversary, and get mistaken for all the high school students there dressed up for Homecoming...? Yeah. If we were in our 30's, that might be considered a compliment. But in that moment, last night, it was just embarrassing. #ThatWouldHappenToUs
Minus the awkward dress mishap, we had a great "6 months" date day/night. We went to Idaho Falls and just played. A little window shopping, some ice cream, a movie, and dinner at our favorite place. We couldn't have asked for a better day off to spend together. It's been an amazing 6 months so far:)
Well that was a short 7 week break! Sheesh. We're definitely not ready for school to start again. But we excited for all the new adventures awaiting:) We'll start the semester September 10th. I can't believe it's September already. It'll be a year ago this month that I saw Tayler for the first time and have been pretty much smitten ever since. ;)
Beginning of August, we spent a week with my family up at Wallowa Lake, Oregon. We had so much fun! We stayed in a 14-person cabin and played every day with the whole family. Fishing, go-karts, bumper boats, ice cream, smores, hiking, gondola ride, and tons of quality family time.
The next week was spent with Tayler's side of the family. For the first few days we went backpacking up at Pamelia Lake in Oregon. Unlucky for me, I got the Hand, Foot, and Mouth virus while there. Sooo gross... and painful. That lasted for about 2 weeks. But aside from that, we had so much fun up in Sherwood at Tayler's house. He had a blast hanging out with all the guys playing paintball, golf, and ping-pong. And I had a blast spending time with the girls. We had a day full of girl stuff, including their annual tea party. Way fun:) We painted our nails, went to Pittock Mansion, got all dressed up, had a yummy tea party, and to top it off, watched Pride and Prejudice.
Overall, great vacation with our families. And we loved every second of it. :)
This week is my last week working maintenance for the off campus housing. I'm still searching for that fall semester job. Gahhh, SO FRUSTRATING! Tayler will continue to work on campus.
Just recently, I've started getting into the whole crafty DIY stuff. There's just too many cute things on Pinterest! I did a craft night with a couple girl friends where we got giant letters and designed them with puffy paint and aluminum foil. And then this weekend I made a chalkboard out of chalkboard vinyl, a picture frame, and chalk marker.
Oh, and warm chocolate chip cookies topped with ice cream and hot fudge:) Mmm.