Sunday, September 8, 2013

Our Summer Sum Up!

Okay, I have been TERRIBLE at keeping up on our blog this summer. So so sorry...! There's so much to say, I'm not quite sure I can cover everything. So brace yourself for picture overload. Most of the major stuff I posted on Facebook, but not everything.

Let me go all the way back to April, when we started our Spring semester... We killed ourselves taking 17 and 18 credits each, I continued managing the ice cream parlor, Tayler worked on campus, Rexburg was very hot, we overloaded on snowcones, and.... yeah.... That pretty much sums it up. However, we did survive the semester with passing grades. And now we embark on the Fall semester next week. I will be taking the same load of credits unfortunately, but I am not managing the ice cream store any longer. Poor lil shop went out of business. :( Booooo.

Anyways, as I begin my search for a new job, Tayler begins his Senior year and I begin my Junior year. I will now be on FastGrad, which means starting this semester I will going to school year round until I graduate next December (2014). I'll be cranking out the huge credit loads til then. Can you tell we want to get outta here?! ;)

We had a nice 7 week break for our "summer" in August. Tayler and I were able to work full-time (and even over-time at one point). I've been blessed to have a summer job cleaning apartments off campus and doing maintenance. We visited both our families for two weeks, and drove around 3,000 miles. Tayler's family went to this beautiful cabin in southern Oregon, and my Mom took Tayler and I to Disneyland for a week! What a treat! It was so fun to spend time with all our loved ones and have some vacation time. Boy, did we party! :)

WARNING: now begins the picture madness~ I promise I'll do better next month!

Oregon Coast

Making Breakfast for the fam bam
Dancing in the pouring rain with my love
Love these boys! Also got to meet my newest baby nephew, Lincoln. Such a sweetheart!
Matchy matchy with my seeester:)
Our lovely friend Saraiah takes amazing photos, so we woke up early for the sunrise and did a photoshoot!

Fresh garden goods 
My biggest Pinterest Fail ever.
Biggest Pinterest WIN. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownie Bombs. YA-UM
New fav: Chicken Pillows
I re-did our dining room table and an antique chair for decoration:)