Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We Love Fall.

Wow, it feels like a lot more happened in October than I can remember. It must be all this school work that's messin' me up. We had midterms and thankfully survived. Phew! So far, we're doing well in our classes and enjoying Rexburg as best we can. Bowling, redbox, making forts, living room picnics, late night french fry runs because I'm craving fry sauce, Thirsty Thursdays at Great Scotts, $5 pizza--Date nights are never better! :)

The weather hasn't been too bad down here. Mostly 50s-60s. Two weeks ago we had the semester's first snow. 7 inches. Unlucky for us, Tayler doesn't have a legitimate winter coat... or gloves. And our car is without a snow brush and snow tires. Um, christmas ideas? Haha. Naw, although we may be dirt poor, we are loving every minute of it. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it truly is a blessing in disguise for us. We are learning so much from these experiences, and we are grateful to have the love and advice from all our family.

The ice cream shop I work at, Thor's, is slowing down with the colder weather setting in. But we're planning on selling hot chocolate and scones very soon! So that'll be fun to add, and hopefully we'll gain more and more business. Overall though, I love working there. It's one of the most fun jobs I've ever had. I actually go to work everyday happy and excited to work! Ha. Weird, right?
Oh yeah... and I'm the new manager. Nbd. :)
Okay, YES big deal! Holy cow! I was so shocked (still am), but so ecstatic. This is such an amazing blessing for us, and we couldn't be happier with this promotion.

Tayler and I are loving our dance class this semester. We are learning Cha-Cha and Samba. It's SO fun! I'm so glad he talked me into taking these classes. Nothing is more fun than dancing with your hubby!

It's been a whole year since Tayler and I met and started dating. And oh boy, what a year it has been! I wouldn't trade it away for anything. Best year of my entire life.

We're excited for this month and for all the many exciting things coming. We get to celebrate our first niece's baby blessing down in Provo, my 20th birthday in two weeks, and Thanksgiving with the Christensen side of the family.

Lot's of fun things coming up for November. And we've still got pumpkins to carve.... Maybe I'll do a cute turkey pumpkin?

Here are some of my cooking/baking attempts this past month. Gotta love Pinterest recipes:) Tayler sure hasn't complained yet... :)

Pumpkin Bars


Marshmallow Carmel Popcorn
Cookies N' Cream Oreo Fudge Brownies
M&M sugar cookies with cream cheese
Chocolate Chip MuffinsBeef Stroganoff
 Cilantro Lime Chicken